•        Non discriminatory in gender, age, profession, social status, nationality, ethnics, religion, and political views. 

•    Equality, inclusiveness and diversity in geosciences, atmospheric and space science. 

•        Transparency and accountability. 

•         Fellowship and cooperation among members and other communities.

•        Maintain a high professional standard for its leaders and members. 

•         Equal commitment and shared objective and responsibilities. 

•        Integrity and unwavering commitment to always do what is right, regardless of consequences. 

•        Upholds collegiality and civility in all personal and professional interactions. 

•        Passion for research and education in science through innovation of new ideas and technologies. 



Research scientists, Instructors, Postdocs, graduate students in the professional areas of geosciences, hydrology, atmospheric and space scientists are currently members and other interested professionals can be enrolled as a member of ETGUI either at the AGU conferences or on the ETGUI website. Members pay registration fee to be considered as a member of the ETGUI.  


Lear more about the publication of our members who have published numerous scientific articles and technical reports in various highly-regarded journals and periodic reviews …


Find the various research area that we are active in here …


We continuously strive to reach out to people who share the same vision and ideals as us …. these are some of the outreach programs that we have accomplished so far …...


The ETGUI committee and advisory board members are having a monthly Teleconference to discuss on the progress of the ETGUI work plans and other issues. ETGUI members also attend annual AGU conference and meet with the members in person to discuss about the advancement of ETGUI work plans.

education & CARESSES

We will continue to update this section to provide networking educational and career opportunities for both member and non-members of ETGUI alike.


Under construction ….

Ethiopia is the Cradle of Humanity.